Welcome To the Home of Egyptian Wingshooting "Maayouf Hunting" Your Official Hunting Destination in Egypt We specialize in Safe, Affordable, Responsible and Quality Hunting in Egypt’s best locations We offer excellent Duck, Goose, Quail, Pigeon and Dove Hunting We are a Full Service Agency, offering lodging, guides, licensing,

Duck Hunting In Egypt ( Opening Now ) Duck hunting is available over particular seasons during their annual migrations through Egypt. We hunt Summer ducks from mid-August to mid-October and the winter migration from early November through the middle of February. Ducks are a challenging bird to call and shoot and success
Dove & Pigeon Hunting Dove Hunting in Egypt is available throughout the year. Doves are acrobatic fliers and the hunter’s success is pinned to his shooting prowess. We hunt doves over the wheat fields, the corn fields and especially the sunflower fields, one of the doves’ favorite foods. We also hunt in the olive groves and roosting